AMIC provides contracting, program management, and quality assurance to a wide variety of Air Combat Command requirements supporting warfighter readiness. Here are a few examples to highlight some of programs that reside within the AMIC.
The Combat Air Forces/Contracted Air Support, or CAF/CAS, program provides combat training for fighter aircrew and close air support training for Joint Terminal Attack Controllers. U.S. Air Force pilots fly against contracted pilots and aircraft acting as adversary air. It is comparable in size to the world’s 20th largest air force.
The Remotely Piloted Aircraft, or RPA, program provides support to the MQ-9 Reaper and the RQ-4 Global Hawk. These aircraft provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities, as well as close air support to the warfighter.
War Reserve Materiel, or WRM, is an Air Force wide program to pre-position, or stockpile, materials needed in wartime. These stockpiles provide the capability to rapidly deploy U.S. forces with the needed resources required to fight our Nation’s wars.
Air Forces Central Command, or AFCENT, is located at Shaw AFB in South Carolina. AFCENT is the Air Force Component to Central Command (CENTCOM), which is responsible for the Middle East Area of Operations. This program manages contracts ranging from contractor support for Remotely Piloted vehicles gathering intelligence in the theater, to the software that transfers this intelligence to a Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC), to the exploitation and analysis of the intelligence.
The Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory, or PMEL, program provides critical equipment calibration support across the Air Force. For example, aircraft targeting is aligned to the helmet on a pilot’s heads-up display, or HUD, using fixtures that are calibrated at PMEL. Calibrations like this are critical to the effectiveness and lethality of our warfighters. Of the 64 PMEL laboratories, the PMEL program includes all of the 32 contractor led facilities.
Nellis Aircraft Maintenance
Nellis Aircraft Maintenance, or NAM, is the Air Force’s largest contract for aircraft maintenance providing more than 800 contractor personnel. Located at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, this program provides support to backshop requirements, the various maintenance needs required to keep our aircraft flying missions.
Counternarcotics and Global Threats, or CN>, is a program focused on combatting drug trafficking, human trafficking, and terrorism worldwide by building partner capacity with various countries within each Combatant Command. This program is unique because it includes many other organizations and agencies outside of the Air Force.